Sunday, September 22, 2013

Action Research Update

Well, it's that time to update you all on the action research project!

To recap from previous posts, my action research project looks at the use of a computer based language development program (ILE) to increase vocabulary performance on our Istation assessment program.  At this time, I have worked with my principal and CTA to implement the use of this program.  The entire timeline of my action research has been pushed back a bit as minor setbacks have occurred. The number of seats we were going to be given and students to be enrolled and withdrawn changed several times and created confusion among staff.  It did not roll out as smoothly as anticipated but we are up and running now. This year, our campus has a greater number of seats to accommodate our student population so we are going to start this year off with new data.  At the closing of the academic school year last year, we were the highest ranking school in our district that is piloting this program in regards to language development growth.  The access to data was also a problematic area last year as I nor my principal had access to student reports. We had to contact our district's bilingual department to have reports emailed to us. This year, I will be brought in and given access as well as thorough training on the report indicators so that we can fresh with our data collection.  As our student enrollment is leveling out after four weeks of school, we are gathering a student roster of who will be participating this year.  My principal and I will be meeting monthly to discuss usage and reports in correlation to our Istation assessments that are conducted at the beginning of each month.  I am very ready to get the ball rolling on this project and look forward to seeing some student growth!

Hope all is going well with you all and I will keep you posted!

Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm just not sure...

So here we are ... months later haha and I am just now getting back on this thing.  I have got to be better about posting! You would think after my two week stint writing curriculum for the technology department that I would have been on here each day posting all the neat stuff I was bumping into along the way. But... I wasn't.

This post is mainly for a bit of feedback.  I am currently in my Accountability class for my Masters and one of the assignments has me a bit nervous.  I showed it to a friend and she said it looked pretty good but I would love your feedback as well.  I kind of feel like I'm lost in the dark on this one.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Campus Action Plan
S.M.A.R.T. Goal (long range,3-5 years): By 2016, our students will achieve exemplary rating in all areas.
S.M.A.R.T. Objective (What we can accomplish in one school year): By 2014, our campus will show a 10% increase in our White and Special Education subpopulations as well as a 3% increase in all other subpopulation writing scores.

Target Population(s): All fourth grade students with a focus on white and special education subpopulations.
Activity/ Strategy (Include 3)
Person(s) Responsible
Resources/Estimated Cost
Formative Evaluation
1. Provide teacher training in the use of Thinking Maps for writing instruction.

Thinking Maps Facilitators

ELA curriculum coordinator
July 2013
In-service training for initial implementation

August –May 2013
Monthly meetings
Thinking maps facilitators have already received training and require no further expense. 

Materials for in-service training (chart paper, coffee, markers, etc.) $600.00
Review student samples and writing achievement scores in correlation with walkthrough data to look for evidence of using thinking maps in writing instruction.  Review lesson plans and observe writing instruction.
2. Provide assistance in utilizing learning communities to increase student achievement
Assistant Principal
July 2013
Initial PLC training

October-March 2013
Quarterly grade level meetings

Monthly meetings to check in with administration
No cost required in initial training for staff

Cost for quarterly PLC half days for campus (estimated cost for substitute teachers given their certification levels): $5,320

Meet with teams to discuss progress and strategies. Review PLC notes and action plans as well as follow up meetings and data concerning students’ performance.
Review student performance on district writing benchmarks and writing portfolios.
3. Provide teacher training in creating and utilizing formative assessments to plan instruction and interventions specifically tailored to writing curriculum and instruction.
Assistant Principal

ELA coordinator

July 2013
No cost required for district employees to deliver trainings
Review student performance on informal and formal district writing benchmarks and writing portfolios.
4. Implement tutors and/or tutorials for writing conferences
September 2013-April 2013
Afterschool tutoring three days a week.
Tutoring will occur during teachers’ contractual hours and no cost is required.
Student scores on informal and formal writing prompts and evidence of fluidity in revising and editing processes through student portfolios and anecdotal records.
5. Create vertical alignment teams to collaborate and create writing interventions.
July 2013

September-May 2013
Vertical Teams meet with each other monthly and with the administration bimonthly to discuss successes or struggles.
Meetings will take place after school during teachers’ contractual hours.
Student scores on informal and formal writing prompts and evidence of fluidity in revising and editing processes through student portfolios and anecdotal records.
Summative Evaluation: Use the “objective” as evaluation statement. (This allows you to determine if you achieved what you said you would achieve in one school year.)
Summative Evaluation statement:
By 2014, our campus will show a 10% increase in our White and Special Education subpopulations as well as a 3% increase in all other subpopulation writing scores.

Professional Development Agenda
Action Plan Goal (same as in action plan): By 2016, our students will achieve exemplary rating in all areas.

Action Plan Objective (same as in action plan): By 2014, our campus will show a 10% increase in our White and Special Education subpopulations as well as a 3% increase in all other subpopulation writing scores.

Topic of professional development: Thinking Maps
Subtopics (if applicable): PLC’s and vertical alignment
Grade Level:
All grades
Thinking maps trainers: Kerstin Allen
Elizabeth Bostic
Vicki Casco
ELA coordinator: Millie Glenn
Start Time:
8:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
Strategy/ Activity
Estimated Time
Data date with coffee- teachers will work in mixed grade level teams to look at the writing scores and disaggregate data. Teachers will identify areas of weakness.
The purpose of this activity is to create a base and need for the staff development in writing instruction. This shows the importance of utilizing data and putting it into action.  
Teachers will work collaboratively to look for patterns and areas of weakness within our writing scores and student achievement data to create relevancy for training today.
Gives teachers and staff time to warm up their minds and see the need for what will be presented.
1.     Morning greeting and coffee to welcome staff.
2.     Data date grouping- teachers will split into groups to sit and work together on data
3.     Data disaggregation- teachers will work together to disaggregate data to identify weaknesses or areas of concern
4.     Data discussion- each group will share what they discovered and patterns and trends should emerge
1 hour
Review thinking maps and benefits using across grade levels and schools.
Refresh and re-implement thinking maps to organize and improve student writing.
After implementing thinking maps 5-7 years ago, a refresher is much needed reinvigorate the staff on the benefits of using this as a universal language for our students.
1.     Stat. break down- the statistical benefits of using thinking maps
2.     Excerpts from Thinking maps in groups to read and share with chart paper from: Student successes with thinking maps: School-based research, results, and models for achievement using visual tools.
45 min.
Name that map game
The purpose of the game is to engage teachers in working together collaboratively to identify and apply what they know about thinking maps before we break to plan instruction.
Teachers will work in mixed grade level teams to identify specific graphic organizers and their uses in writing- some are specifically for organizing flow, creating descriptions, sorting and classifying, etc.
1.     Give group their map to create as many ways to use across all grade levels and subjects then share using timer
2.     Use name that map game PowerPoint (comprised of examples and student samples that could benefit from particular organizers as well as different assignments that require different thinking maps) to identify and apply what teachers know about thinking maps and organizers.
30 minutes
Prompt, write, edit, revise activity with thinking maps
To implement Thinking Maps into our writing process curriculum.
Our Thinking Maps Trainers will break down the essential steps needed in planning writing instruction and how to best implement the writing process in conjunction with thinking maps and the write from the beginning model and lesson.
1.     Thinking maps trainers will walk the staff through introducing a prompt, using the organizer, editing and revising and then moving into a final product process.
2.     Split teachers into mixed groups to practice identifying and planning the writing process.
1 hour and 15 minutes
PLC/Team time: teachers meet to utilize learning communities in how implementation will work- suggestions/questions
The purpose of team time is to utilize collaboration and creation among teachers
At this time, the principal will model how team time will function so that teachers can get together to discuss implementation.
1.     Teachers will review past and or present data to identify areas of weakness.
2.     Break down standards and identify weaknesses in instruction.
3.     Create a framework to implement thinking maps to organize and guide writing instruction.
1 and a half hours
Vertical Time: teachers will meet in vertical teams to discuss areas of weakness in writing.
To collaborate vertically to identify learning gaps and progressions.
The principal along with the thinking maps trainers will facilitate vertical team meetings.
1.     In these team meetings, we will use the TEKS to discuss and identify gaps, learning progressions and ways to create unity in writing instruction with thinking maps.

1 and a half hours
* A lunch break was scheduled from 11:30-12:30. If able to implement a working lunch, teachers can work and eat in teams to organize writing prompts and themes for writing instruction.